Below is information about the Ireland Information Group of Sweden.

The Ireland Information Group of Sweden is the latest of organizations in Sweden that shown solidarity with the Irish freedom struggle.
In the late 1960s, in connection with the outbreak of the war, the “Nordirland-gruppen” was formed, based in Stockholm. A bulletin was issued as well as some program documents. Money was collected during this time and some equipment was handed over. The focus of the “Nordirland-gruppen” was on supporting the Official IRA, which, in the spirit of the times, was seen as the progressive, Marxist alternative.
“Irland Solidaritet” was founded in 1985. The Association published a newspaper, trips were made to the six counties, with several women MPs from Sweden present, meetings were held with Bernadette Devlin-McAliskey, activists from the Campaign against plastic bullets, and Gerry Adams. The association ended its activities in connection with the cease-fire and negotiations.
At the time of “Irland Solidaritet´s” closure, contacts had been established with other Republican organizations and comrades from “Irland Solidaritet” resumed operations, initially on a small scale, around the end of the 1990s and then formed the association the Ireland Information Group of Sweden.
Program for the Ireland Information Group of Sweden:
Ireland Information Group of Sweden works to spread knowledge of the Irish freedom struggle against the British occupation, and its oppression and repression against the people of Ireland.
The freedom struggle against the British presence in Ireland has a long history. Throughout history, this struggle has taken different shapes and forms. The Ireland Information group does not take any position on the way the struggle is fought, but it reserves its support and solidarity to those organizations that have expressed their goal to liberate Ireland from British occupation, to create a united Ireland and establish an Irish Republic.
From Wolfe Tone, to Padraig Pearse and the Easter Rising, and on to the present-day Republican movement, the battle against the British presence has been linked to the fight against social injustice. The Irish Republic will be “cherishing all the children of the nation equally”, as Pearse put it. James Connolly’s words about how pointless it would be to just replace the flag, unless the social conditions are also changed in a free Ireland have proven true in the Free State that came to be as a result of the peace agreement and negotiations in 1921. The republican movement is thus the only real opposition to the power structures that exist both in the southern Free State and in the occupied north. The fight for the Republic is the struggle for the equal society that the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and the Democratic program formulated.
The Association’s activity is focused on the spreading of information about the situation in Ireland and the fight for freedom, for members and an external audience, to maintain contact and provide support for Republican prisoners, and to spread material from organizations active in the republican movement and their views on the ongoing situation. The Association strives to continue its solidarity work until the republican movement considers their objectives met.
Program Adopted 2003
Irlandinfomation’s first congress

Supporting the political prisoners and their families:
Under British rule, Republican activists are imprisoned, often without evidence and with an unlawful aftermath.
The Republican movement has always been intensely harassed by the occupying power and so it is today. Many political representatives and Republican activists are imprisoned on loose grounds, sometimes even without trial. Many incarcerated Republicans also testify to regular harassment behind the walls of the Occupation Force; the prisoners can, for example, be refused visits by their families and subjected to abusive searches.
When a family member is imprisoned, the lives of many are adversely affected; particularly children of imprisoned parents, who in many cases lose not only as a parent but also a provider, are affected.
The Ireland Information Group of Sweden raises money in favor of Republican prisoners and contributes to the welfare of families. The money raised by the association is donated to the Republican organizations responsible for the prisoners and their families.

Informing about the freedom struggle:
One of the Association’s biggest tasks is to spread information about the British occupation and the Irish freedom struggle. Spreading information and news takes place via the Association’s social media and website.
The Association also organizes lectures for the public, usually in conjunction with the Association’s social gatherings.
The Association can also be booked for lecturs by external organizations.

About the website:
The language of this website is generally in Swedish, but we try to publish texts and news in both English and Swedish.
Contact us:
For questions regarding The Ireland Information Group of Sweden’s operations, we refer to:
For questions regarding local operations, we refer to: